Beetroot & Walnut Bread

3/4 cup water
1 Grande jar of Women's Work Beetroot Relish
3 1/2 to 4 cups strong white flour
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp salt
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 sachet of active dried yeast

  1. Mix your Women's Work Beetroot Relish, flour, salt, oil, yeast & water and knead for approx. 5 minutes then add the walnuts and knead for another 2 minutes or so.
  2. Pour into an oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap and let it rise for at least an hour.
  3. Preheat the oven to 190c
  4. Tip out the dough, knock out the air and shape into a ball and place on a floured backing tray.
  5. Let the dough proof (final rise) for half a hour then slash it with a blade and bake for 30 minutes or until the base sounds hollow when tapped.

Enjoy warm with heaps of salty butter!

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